Hi, I’m Angie!

I help create conditions for change in the lives of those I work with.

Mind Rebel™ Certified Coach & Pilates Teacher

  • “Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable.”

    — David W. Augsburger

As a Mind Rebel™ Certified Coach & Pilates Teacher - I specialize in guided meditations, personal mindfulness coaching and gentle movement.

Learn more about my journey, and how we can partner together.

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  • I believe my soul’s purpose is to support the collective access to their authentic self. To lead with compassion for yourself and others and to practice self-awareness, strengthening the mindfulness muscle in order to live a life in alignment with your core values.

    My intention is to meet you where you’re at - working together to unpack old ways of thinking and feeling which no longer serve you and the life you desire to life.

    Empower yourself with a newfound quiet confidence, flow of energy and inner wisdom that will light your path forward. Building your personal mindfulness toolbox of support will open up space for an organic soul awakening. Nurturing your self energy and feeling a profound sense of peace and freedom is my hope for on this beautiful journey.

    Transforming my relationship with shame, anxiety and body image is a direct reflection of how I learned to understand and make sense of it. I learned to trust myself, heal my inner child, dismantle limiting beliefs & roadblocks which caused years of fear, unworthiness and self doubt.  

    My hope is that through using these simple, effective feel-good practices you’re able to lean into vulnerability, show up authentically with curiosity, self-awareness and compassion.

  • I’ve been teaching movement for over a decade, I began adding mindfulness practices, guided meditations and mindset coaching into the work I do with my students & clients. This work is truly an extension of my own experiences and pursuit of finding ways to be present, make sense of it all, heal & grow — so that I am equipped to hold space for those I work with to show up vulnerable, brave, compassionate & learn how to embody their authentic self.

    Bachelor of Science
    Indiana State University

    Classical Pilates Certification
    Studied with Regan Zubak
    Village Pilates Studio Forest Park, IL

    Barre Certification
    Pure Barre

    Mind Rebel Academy

    Mind Rebel™ Certified Coach

    Continuing Education

    • Mindfulness Certification

    • Guided Meditations

    • Nervous System Support

    • Pilates Masters Program

  • Here’s some examples of issues I have helped coach clients through, and benefits they’ve experienced:

    • Increased focus, inspiration and creativity - no longer feeling burnt out or depleted but have a zest for life!

    • Post covid brain fog - feeling isolated & withdrawn. By tending to the nervous system you can learn to recalibrate, unwind and sync the mind + body.

    • Social anxiety / imposter syndrome - build autonomy, confidence and trust in self & your inner knowing.

    • Body image / self confidence - loving all parts of you by consistently practicing self-compassion & loving kindness. Using embodiment and movement practices that feel good and true to you.

    • Calm the monkey mind by using mindful movement to interrupt disruptive thoughts, feelings, emotions and body sensations.

    • Managing stress & anxiety — build resilience to stress through mindful awareness.

    • Navigating major life changes with a calm confident mindset.

    • Feel called to make a change but stuck in old patterns and limiting beliefs. We’ll work to peel back the layers and uncover what is keeping you stuck so that you can move forward with clarity, acceptance and awareness.

    • Overwhelmed with how to navigate and anchor mindfulness into daily life - we’ll create mindfulness rituals that feel true to who you are at the core.

    • Feel out of alignment with self, and don’t recognize the person looking back at you in the mirror.

    • Embody an attitude of gratitude, practice appreciation, and invite joy into your heart so that you feel peace and ease.

 Curious about working together?

Schedule a free 30-minute connection call

My intention & hope is that by working together you gain clarity & build confidence, so that you live in alignment with your Authentic Self.

Together we’ll build a toolbox of body-mind reset practices which will empower & support your journey of wellbeing and inner peace - today & beyond.

Class Offerings:

NEW Virtual Offering

  • Private or Group Restorative Mindful Movement w/ Guided Meditation 60 Minutes

  • Private or Group Pilates Mat Class 60 Minutes

Email for pricing and availability

What do you stand to gain from working with a Coach?

“If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place.”

— Eckhart Tolle