
Fresh ideas to feed your mind, body and soul.

“Mindfulness is a conscious choice made every day to practice self-awareness, curiosity, compassion for self & others, so that you can witness thoughts, emotions, body sensations, and the surrounding environment objectively – through the lens of love.”

— Angie Reens

In The Waiting
Angie Reens Angie Reens

In The Waiting

Today, I said “You are enough” AND I meant it for the first time in my life - HOLY SHIT that felt great! Today, I was FREE of shame, criticism, and judgment. I saw my guard staring back at me in the mirror and we became friends. It’s okay to just be - we are finally free.

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Calm your mind & experience a radical shift in your mindset.
Angie Reens Angie Reens

Calm your mind & experience a radical shift in your mindset.

Calm an overactive mind with curiosity & compassion, and feel a radical shift in your mindset. Do you ever feel like your thoughts are bouncing around like pinballs in your mind? I can totally relate, which is why I love finding simple, feel-good practices that I can do whenever I’m in need of a reset, to help regulate my emotions and to feel a profound sense of inner peace.

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I honor and accept all parts of myself.
Angie Reens Angie Reens

I honor and accept all parts of myself.

I honor and accept all parts of who I am, most importantly today in celebration of World Mental Health Day. When we rise up and elevate one another, we’re shifting our mindset, evolving, and creating space for vulnerability and gentleness without judgment. We collectively build a world where mental health is a priority and not a burden.

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Shift your mindset without it feeling like a chore.
Angie Reens Angie Reens

Shift your mindset without it feeling like a chore.

If you struggle with a fixed mindset & shifting your perspective, I get it. Give yourself grace when adjusting your mindset. With consistency, practice & patience you can & will shift your perspective. This indirectly affecting your energy & peace of mind.

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Affect your mood with daily rituals & habits.
Angie Reens Angie Reens

Affect your mood with daily rituals & habits.

Have you ever taken inventory of your daily habits? Do you know the ones that make you feel amazing? Do you have those? If you’re struggling to create a new habit, or just not sure where to start, I can relate. My hope is that you trust yourself to take inspired action, because that’s the first step in the process of transformation.

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Let’s talk about motivation to move.
Angie Reens Angie Reens

Let’s talk about motivation to move.

When I gained clarity around why I exercised & how I wanted to feel that I was able to shift my perspective and truly approach my movement practice with gratitude & gentleness. Once I understood how I wanted to feel it was so much easier to show up for myself each and everyday with a fresh perspective.

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The cost of inaction.
Angie Reens Angie Reens

The cost of inaction.

What is the cost of not taking intentional action to shift into the life you desire to live? If you believe in your heart that what you are currently doing does not serve you, what will it take to make a change? There will never be the perfect time. The right time is when you trust it is time.

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Evict your inner critic.
Angie Reens Angie Reens

Evict your inner critic.

Evict the voice of your inner critic & notice the shift in your mindset. Because of the deep discovery work & ongoing self care I practice, my authentic self is proud and humbled that I no longer need that inner critic to protect me. Instead, I have the tools, support & self compassion to let her go – to close that door & allow myself to grow, heal & forgive.

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Light the path for mindfulness.
Angie Reens Angie Reens

Light the path for mindfulness.

Meditation & Mindfulness are less about an instant shift or immediate relief, but take a bit more time – more about the process, trusting it, and showing up consistently with curiosity and interest. There is no good or bad way to practice mindfulness, rather it’s the ongoing experience and feeling of confidence, courage and clarity which are the building blocks to create a sustainable habit that feels easy and effortless rather than forced and controlled.

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Break the “fixer” cycle.
Angie Reens Angie Reens

Break the “fixer” cycle.

You’re not broken, you do not need to be fixed. Instead, simply begin to notice patterns where you go into “fixer” mode and interrupt the thought, feeling or emotion that’s holding you hostage. The need to fix creates a roadblock to aligning with your authentic self.

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