How to intentionally navigate the seasonal shift, without limiting productivity, while honoring your natural rhythm.  

First off, let's change productivity to abundance.  I don’t know about you, but as soon as I hear the word productivity, I feel a sense of constriction, “shoulds,” urgency and a sense that I just stepped back in time to the early 2000s when I worked in Corporate America.  I know how that ended, with me selling my car, making the brave decision to follow my heart and teach Pilates full time, even if that meant I was sacrificing everything I knew in order to honor my calling of helping others feel better.  

Just like that season and cycle of life, I honored what I knew to be true, and that was to trust the wisdom I believe lived within me, even if I couldn’t see a straight path ahead.  I asked, and the answer was given. Now, all I had to do is listen.  

Are you being called to listen, to make a change, to flow with ease & peace into this new season that is upon us?

I know I am. There's a part of me, we’ll call her my Rebel Mind, who wants to get lost in a pile of leaves.  Another part is my Guard, who crafts a dome-like bubble to keep all the extra noise and chatter out…she’s very protective, so much so that she isolates herself at her own expense.  Then there's my truest, most Authentic Self. She'd curl up with a captivating book, drink the most delicious hot tea, take long nature walks while basking in the ever changing colors she's surrounded by. Most importantly, she feels the safest when her Guard & Rebel are content and playful, yet grounded and connected.  

Connected to what, you may ask?  

Connected to something so much bigger than any of my selves.  Even though at times it feels as though I want to hibernate in my bubble, I come home to myself and what I need to continue moving forward as the leaves begin to fall, the crisp air cools my soul and the desire to know is an illusion of my mind.  All I have to do is slow down enough to listen with compassion, curiosity, grace and a faith that is my guiding light even in the darkest of times.  

Ask yourself the question “How do I honor my seasonal shift without limiting my abundance?” I invite you to reflect and meditate on the following questions to guide your exploration and inner wisdom; then simply listen.   

Come to a place of alignment with all your pieces and parts - mind, body, heart & soul…

What wants to be received? Known? Released? 

How do you want to move forward with this new awareness? 

My hope is that this message supports and guides you as you gently step into a new season & cycle of life.  If this resonates with you, I’d love to hear how this makes you feel or, if you’re curious about how partnering with a coach can support you in moving from where you are now to where you desire to be, simply send me an email .  

With peace and everlasting light,

Angie Reens

Mind Rebel™️ Certified Coach


In The Waiting