In The Waiting


Today I stopped running and, when I did, I realized I’ve spent my whole life running to escape who I am at the core - my essence, who God created me to be.      

You see, it was in the waiting where the magic happened - in stillness I received.

“When did you get here?  How did you know you arrived?”  

I hesitated at first and responded with a quiet confidence that had been brewing for a lifetime, “In the space in between. In the waiting, I learned to slow down, to pause, to reflect, to honor, to welcome and to trust that my faith would shine a spotlight on the darkness I no longer accepted as my reality.”  

I laid down the shoulds, the not enoughs - the “Who am I to be vulnerable and share my gifts…what will they think?”

Today, I released and cleared what kept me stuck.

Today, I embraced hope, trust, freedom and LOVE. 

Today, I moved out of my own way. 

I will no longer block what is meant for me.  It is safe to be seen, to be heard, to be valued, to be loved and to do the same for others with no expectations.  

Today, I said “You are enough” AND I meant it for the first time in my life - HOLY SHIT that felt great! 

Today, I was FREE of shame, criticism, and judgment.  I saw my guard staring back at me in the mirror and we became friends.  It’s okay to just be - we are finally free.

In laying down what does not serve me, I received a whisper from my authentic self, a nudge from my guard, and a wink from my rebel mind.  

Peace fills my soul - because “IN THE WAITING '' the pain to stay the same was more painful than the pain to change.  

It was in the space in between where my purpose, my soul's work, made sense and I never looked back.  

“When did you get here?”  

I responded “ It was in the space in between.”   

Prayer for

“I love and accept all parts of who I am.  I trust that I am exactly where I am supposed to be.  Peace begins with me. Peace begins with me.”


Realignment Practice

Mindful Checkins

  • Check in “How do I feel in this moment?”

  • Name the emotion

  • Notice body sensations

  • Offer yourself stillness

  • Breathe Inhale 4 - pause - exhale

  • Practice Self-Compassion speak to yourself the way you would a friend or family member.


How to intentionally navigate the seasonal shift, without limiting productivity, while honoring your natural rhythm.  


Calm your mind & experience a radical shift in your mindset.