Let’s talk about motivation to move.

Motivation is a force or influence that causes someone to do something. 

There are two types of motivation:

  1. Intrinsic motivation which refers to the behavior that is driven by internal rewards; for example doing something without any obvious external rewards. Simply enjoying an activity or seeing it as an opportunity to explore & grow. 

  2. Extrinsic motivation is a reward-driven activity or behavior: for example doing something for the sole purpose of obtaining an external reward. 

My motivation around exercise has recently shifted from extrinsic to intrinsic. It wasn’t until I was able to gain clarity around ‘why’ I exercised & ‘how’ I wanted to feel that I was able to shift my perspective and truly approach my movement practice with gratitude & gentleness


It’s definitely a process, and didn’t happen overnight, but once I got clear on how I wanted to feel it was so much easier & enjoyable to show up for myself each and everyday with a fresh perspective. 

Instead of forcing & pressuring myself to move, which left me feeling completely unmotivated, drained & depleted, I began to ask myself ‘how do I want to feel before, during & after I move my body. What is my brain, body & soul craving today?’ 

Exercise and movement now feels inspiring, fun, fulfilling & grounding. It is now a gift and not a chore! 


Affect your mood with daily rituals & habits.


The cost of inaction.